Thursday, July 30, 2009
Post-post, post
Current Party Shuffle mix: Modest Mouse's "Horn Intro" into Modest Mouse's "Bukowski," both feat. on Good News For People Who Love Bad News.
New blanketing
Thank you, SPIN.
Today, I'm dedicating this post to Postal Service and Qdoba.
I remember sitting in the Mexican semi-fast food joint on Washington Street in Hoboken and being told of, then searching for, Ben Gibbard's eclectic and one-time-only band.
Thank you, Party Shuffle, for turning to "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" and thus initiating this post.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
neither here nor there
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Did you rub my lamp?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
NYC Dance Happenings- Umbilical Brothers
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Motion Occupies Music: Michael J. Fox
I want to try to keep writing for you. As you already know it is hard for me to put things into works. I often have to close my eyes, and just let the words try to flow through my fingertips. It doesn’t always work. It’s like choking on my own thoughts.
I thought of a great phrase yesterday, and I have already forgotten it. I am sorry I did not write it down. I hope you keep writing. I hope you may be the keeper of many good memories.
Here is the Michael J Fox experience:
'Always Looking Up', his book based on optimism.
ABC produced a one-hour mini documentary loosely based on the theme of his book.
I was simply asked to mix the show.
As many people my age, I grew up with MJF, remembering him as a smart alec young man on Family Ties to Back to the Future. Here was an amazing young actor with a sharp mind and sense of humor. He had it all going on. Then the news came of his diagnosis with Parkinson Disease.
This struck a chord, we are about the same age. How does this happen to someone so vibrant, so young?
I was happy to be asked to participate on the production of this show. I met MJF briefly as we had to record some narration lines. Because of the extreme deadline we were facing I had the studio preset and ready to role as soon as Michael was ready to record. There was a slight hitch due to a communication gap, and I was somewhat taken aback as to how this particular concern was not thought of or addressed prior to recording. Michael’s Parkinson’s is accompanied with uncontrollable movement. Therefore, when in a recording booth, this movement is unfortunately picked up by the microphone. I had not been made aware of his preference to sit on a stool. Had I known that I would have found one that did not squeak. A total snafu on our end. But the professionalism of Michael and the production team, including great editors enabled us to continue unencumbered by a squeaky stool. I was not thrilled, but happy that the performance was captured without upsetting the talent or affecting the outcome of the production.
What stood out the most was how incredibly smart and down to earth he was. Above and beyond all, was his optimism. After working with him and working on the show, and meeting he and his wife at the post gathering, I came away with the feeling that I should never waste time on looking back, but spend more time looking forward, and looking up. Keeping the good things in mind and pushing away the negative. I doesn’t always come easy, but I will tell you that right now, as I am writing these words to you, it is working for me.
MJF is a fine example of a person who is not giving up on life. One who seems to embrace each and every moment. A man who is proactive in finding a cure for the disease that has so affected his life and that of those who surround him with profound love and support.
Once again, I have been lucky to come into contact, however briefly, with a special talent. One of many who have inspired me throughout the years.
Voodoo on it

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A cappella
In tents
It's a great experience to go to bed in a tent listening to "All the ducks are swimming in the water fal da ral da ral da"