Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Says who?

Everyone is talking about Neko Case.
I first spotted her on Roo's lineup.
 Became curious enough to check her out on ITunes. 
I dig.
All of a sudden she's in the NYTimes Magazine with a five-page feature article, 
featured in SPIN Magazine (with a great review by the way), 
and highlighted on NPR's All Songs Considered (2/24).

Where has she been before all of this 
besides receiving relatively minimal cred for her vocals in 
Canada's own New Pornographers?

Neko has previously been categorized as "Country Rock".
Though, I highly beg to differ.
Check her music out.
You have animalistic lyrics like these to look forward to:

"I lie across the path, waiting / Just for the chance to be / A spiderweb trapped in your lashes."

This is the vid to one of my favorite songs of hers

1 comment:

ashley said...

I heard her on NPR - I think that i like her more than i like her music. I like her solo stuff a lot, but the new pornographers are really boring.