January 23, 2010
Contact: Aaron Kint; Ashley Mathus
“let the BED BUGS BITE” bacKspace performance ensemble’s New York Debut
Ladies, Gentlemen, Undecided, and Inbetweenies,
The year of bacKspace is upon us! The freaksters present to you the first 2K10 orgasmic experience, the New York City Debut and world premiere of “let the BUGS BUGS BITE.”
From the creators of “Rave,” “Omen,” and “Top That! The Musical,” “let the BED BUGS BITE,” promises to be a night of bloodthirsty dance, over-the-top theatrics, sexy performance art, electronic body-thumping music, bold fashion, thirst-quenching gender F$%&ing, vivid neon and goth stage design, deep, heavy, juicy, sweaty, hilarious, confusing, enlightening, and awe-inspiring awesomeness! bacKspace, a New York based performance ensemble, originated in Columbus, OH where they became a household name for forward-thinking entertainment. After the move to the big city, bacKspace became enthralled and inspired by the creepy crawlers of NYC (both human and insects alike), hence the premiere that you all have been waiting for!
“let the BED BUGS BITE” (LB3, the neat abbrev for “let the BED BUGS BITE”) will be premiering Saturday, February 13, 2010 at Chez Bushwick at 8:00pm. Chez Bushwick is located at 304 Boerum St, Brooklyn, NY (buzz #11 to get in). bacKspace not only takes entertainment value to the extreme but we’re recession friendly! For $5.00 you can witness an uncensored, unadulterated, unforgettable, undeniable extravaganza that will blow your mind (and maybe even that extra skin between your legs)!
If you've never been to a bacKspace show before…
1. We're really sorry for you that must be hard to deal with
2. Expect live entertainment for the ADD generation
3. Try to fathom looks that will blow your mind
4. Expect dancing that will make you moist
5. Expect to WANT MORE!
The bacKspace line-up for LB3 features:
Aaron Kint (Artistic Director)
aka Krystal Something Something
Jessica "Diba" DiBattista
aka Lil' Kimchi
Jeff Marras
aka Charmin Ultra
Ashley Bono
aka Mary Jo CamelToe
Ashley Mathus
aka Duchess Tickles
Amy Campbell
aka Whiskey Dixie
Jenny Campbell
aka Henny Penicillin
and ultra chic, custom couture costumes by Aleksandra Krninova, one of NYC's up-and-coming fashion designers of 2K10.
bacKspace DOES NOT condone the use of beige, brown, taupe, camel (unless of course when accompanied by "toe"), forest green, gaucho pants, string quartets, the "Amelie" soundtrack, deep and audible breathing, "modern dance face," soft lighting, or liturgical anything. So if you're expecting to see a "modern dance show," then you'll definitely be in for a surprise.
Not familiar with orgasmic dance experiences in Brooklyn? Well easy access is always preferred! Coming from Manhattan? Take the L train to the Morgan Avenue stop and exit near the intersection of Bogart St. and Harrison Place. Bridge and Tunnel peeps? Hop on the L train anywhere on 14th Street from 8th Ave. - 1st Ave., and get off of the Morgan stop. Morgan, Morgan, Morgan!
For more info on the bacKspace performance ensemble, deets about the show, hot pics, video entertainment and more, visit
OTHER NEWS FROM THE DESK OF BACKSPACE:Be sure to check out the February 11th issue of TimeOut NY, why? Because bacKspace's very own Aaron Kint will be featured as one of NYC’s 50 Most Stylish People!
Columbus, Ohio misses us (and here’s why):
Get out of the house, get over the cold, and make it to the hottest hot spot in Brooklyn, Sugarland! bacKspace will be heating up the night on Friday, January 29 with a new set from DJ Daddy Whorebucks and hosted by Charmin Ultra! Find out more info about this Williamsburg playground at or
Be on the look out for some fresh tunes from bacKspace, as they bring you the “let the BED BUGS BITE” EP featuring seven new tracks.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of bacKspace TV at