Port 41 Bikini Bar 355 West 41st Street near 9th Avenue
All Trains to the Port Authority
$10 at the door
(Best money you'll spend to walk through a threshold.)
$5 reduced admission
(Please r.s.v.p. as "Attending" this event "Snakes & Chains Live" on Facebook)
Link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=357264320277&ref=ts
Snakes & Chains is a live performance spectacle that will be completely unlike anything in the Theater District, period. I have been hearing more and more how all of my friends are tired of hearing the same old pop music and having nothing to watch but a bunch of lame-ass go go boys and a tire ass DJ spinning some shit you just heard on 103.5 (the Beat of New York, one oh three f-i-v-e... K-T-U!) like ten thousand times in the cab on the way out. So, I am producing this show just for them and you and making it accessible to everyone. Most importantly you don't have to be trapped in a stuffy theater when you'll rather be at a really cool dive bar. It will be Hell's Kitchen's newest Thursday night grungy chic alternative to the theater and the boring pop shop trash, that has paralyzed New York City's brainwashed night owls. We aspire to make normal obsolete. Real people putting on a real show with live vocals, progressive dance, exclusive video segments produced just for your entertainment and audio visual art projections. Become a part of the future... a better future with Snakes & Chains.
Tyler Stone
(Electro vocals & dance)
Join this talented young vocalist who was abandoned as a child and taking to be raised by crazed robots. Embark on a journey to explore the meaning of digital perfection. His mesmerizing state-of-the-art electronic style will reprogram your state of mind.
(Performance Ensemble)
“Time and time again, bacKspace effortlessly creates a new dimension for its audience. Each one is vastly different than the one before, but always leaves you feeling like a better person. They really make you see the world in a different light! Easy to understand. Hard to forget!”
Artist Vanessa Bucci displays a possible future through art which depicts a skewed world overrun by the technology which enables our current quality of life.

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