Thursday, February 7, 2013


In-class assignment: "Write a scene in which a person is moving through a pitch black cave. The character should be alone."

The air is humid and sticky. Grace places each foot in a calculated spot - her moves are careful and planned. She's more tactful here than in math class. She likes the sound of the earth's crunchiness under the soles of her Rebook sneakers. After her heel is firmly planted on her chosen spot and she feels her calf muscle balanced, equally centered, the joy takes over: the freedom of her being alone and also the danger. It enables her with the motivation to keep traveling inward.

Grace uses the side of the cave for support, just in case her nerves take over. It's so dark within this naturally confined space, she doesn't need her eyesight. She's walking blind with her gut instincts as her seeing eye dog.

Eventually the humidity starts to subside and Grace gets a chill on her shoulders. She takes her zip up hoodie off her waist and puts it on. That's helpful.

Soon her footsteps start to encounter mushy ground, swamp-like without the perils of alligators and such. She hears the dripping of water in the distance and realizes she must be making some headway. "Who knows how long I'll be walking," she thinks out loud.

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