Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The cake we eat begins with an B

Try to make it come true and spellbind the orbs to glow upon your squared off domain.  Smiles and wheat and weep in the straw for eternity's explanation of it's utopia.  Row the boat through a moat of glow sticks and ghosts and boots to get to those sounds.  You're getting closer, hear it?  It hurts so good to wake up with a little less.  Paddle and wade, lines of poles blend in with the trees and you tend to walk into them.  Lost duets and melody days get hazy and blurry with the quickness of a New England fox.  A trap grabs the foot, waving it in front of music-stained eyes, exhaustion and jelly.  Voices echo around around around with the droll of repetition yet the humor of butt scratcha's and knowing grins make the sound dazzle amongst the dirt.  Melt meld molten skin turns to liquid as fast as the chocolate ice cream that laces between your fingers.  It tastes good.  Gooey good.  Ice cream and names have never had such an important relation in a place like this.  This place, with all it's glorified madness is my hospital, my sectioned mental basket case wing.  I have a corridor with a view and see all the other blind people walking the streets in true oblivion.  This, right here, will make everyone get better with medicine bottles filled with riffs and IVs pumping the beat of a drum through feeble arms painted gold.  This is our haven where hot dogs replace salads and computers are something for people with polished hair and toes- the dirty creatures cannot touch the aluminum and silver- we might get electrocuted.  Burn the zero's of the world, fly like moths wings, make babies in summertime clothes, plant the divided sky and stay there.  Just be there to see yellow reach the moon and say "Hey Moon, remember me?"  And when the moon replies "Yes", she opens up the skies of silence and allows you to dance in her night until she cannot be of any further assistance.  She gives you her playground and hides away when the other lights get as big as a tyrannosaurs you cannot dream of anything else except of what's right in front of you.  I don't know what happens before and after this, but I'm not sure I need too. 


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