Thursday, January 24, 2013

Retro flaws

In Children's Book writing class this week, we had to write down five flaws we had as a child. I wrote:

1) Bossy
2) Show-off
3) Impatient
4) Short-tempered
5) Fibber (but maybe a great story teller?!)

After we wrote down these five traits, our teacher asked us to write about a character (not ourselves) who has that flaw. Our goal was to show the flaw, not tell it. Meaning we had to describe that flaw through action, dialogue, appearance, etc. Here is my short, in-class story.

Dylan stumbled into the lunch room giddy from gym class and hungry. He picked up tacos from the line (his favorite, yes!) and sat at the usual table in the back of the cafeteria with his friends.

"You guys, the amusement park was so cool this weekend!"
Josh exclaimed. "Nitro was wicked fast! I was..."

-- "Yeah well check this out guys." Dylan interrupted.

"I once rode Nitro in the front row and slipped out of the seat belt when the seat belt police weren't looking. Once the roller coaster started going up the hill I climbed up out of my seat and faced backwards. Everyone was freaking out, ha! I rode the whole ride backwards. Did YOU do that, Josh?"

"Oh come on, Dylan," said Trevor. Dylan didn't see him enter the cafeteria.

"They stopped the ride and some guy had to climb the stairs and take you off the ride. We barely moved." Trevor started laughing, "I think I even remember someone booing."

Dylan rolled his eyes while his friends chuckled.
"Crap," he thought. He forgot that Trevor was at the amusement park that day. 

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