Sunday, December 7, 2008

NYC Dance Happenings- Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company

BAM- there’s your flavor.
By: Ashley L. Mathus

A tasty borough experience. Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company never cease to impress, and their latest performance series is, of course, wonderful. Bill T. Jones, inspired by a Jane Bowles play, “A Quarreling Pair”, has created an evening-length performance by the same name. Recently performed at Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave Festival, BAM’s Howard Gilman Opera House (30 Lafayette Avenue) provided the space while Bill T. Jones brought the moves. Jones says of his chosen inspiration, "This short but powerful play has been on my mind for nearly 20 years as I have ruminated on the idea of partnering, onstage and off."

“A Quarreling Pair” brings forth a playful side of the company, mimicking Bowles’ scenes with animated qualities and facial expressions, burlesque attitudes, and comedic, trivial conflicts. Silhouettes of the dancers resonate a 1920 Charlie Chaplin approach to movement, simplifying gestures with a genius orientation to time and over-the-top literal analysis. Trio’s glide across the stage, going go back to basics with eschapes and ragtime leg techniques; while duo’s partner in unison, flipping and turning too fast for average pedestrians. Musical selections gravitate towards an old-time cabaret or saloon, including grand and enthusiastic presentation qualities you would hear at a carnival. The dancers nail double pirouettes and inversions with the precision and clarity Jones’ company is famous for. Gaudy red and yellow costume gowns quickly change to fragmented choreography in underwear and baseball socks, sculpting an enjoyable night of endless surprises. Jones has said, "We want to clown, sing, dance. We want to explore the spirit of vaudeville, even as we keep our eye firmly on the serious dance aesthetic that has shaped the Company." They do just that, taking us back in time, better than any carnival ride.

BAM’s Next Wave Festival features avant garde works, including dance, cinema, art, music, theater, discussions with the artists, and event receptions. To purchase tickets to upcoming dance venues or view their extraordinary lineup of artists, please visit BAM’s artistic selections have the poof of unexpected surprises, yet always makes sense after the initial shock.

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