Tuesday, November 11, 2008

to note...

Does anyone else notice how much Stephenie Meyer uses the word "Chagrin" in her books?  
I tried to ignore it at first, but after reading all the books, Edward's unfinished version, "Midnight Sun", and outtakes on her website, my claim can be verified.  

from Merriam Webster
Chagrin: n
Etymology: French, from chagrin sad
disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure.

There's a lot of "disquietude", that being a HUGE and semi-funny controversy of a human and vampire being lovers without the "distress".  Meyer uses the word as a from of speech, action, adjective, and it just keeps popping up!  No hard feelings, just something I picked up on.  It would be her "signature move" if she was a danca.

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